S.No. Name of the organization Nature of linkage
1 Govt. of India Seed Hub programme, Aspirational Distt., Demo. of Chickpea under TSP, Skill Develop. Training, National Bamboo Mission, PPV & FRA,  VTP. Organic Farming
2 ICAR TSP on Pulses, NICRA, CFLD- Pulses (NFSM), CFLD- Oilseed, Sankalp se Siddhi programme, FLDs on Wheat & Barley, PDDU Krishi Sewa Yojana, Distt. Agro. Met. Units, IARI trials
3 State Govt. MMKTY, Establishment of Demo. units etc.
4 Deptt. of Agriculture M.P.Govt. Conducting training, Kisan Sangosthi, Kisan Mela, and Other programmes like Krishi Rath Yatra etc.
5 ATMA Conducting demons. and joint training and Kisan Sangosthi, Project implementation and Other programmes.
6 Deptt. of Horticulture
Govt. of M.P.
Conducting trainings Kisan Mela and Kisan Sangosthi, Micro irrigation
7 Department of Veterinary Trainings
8 Department of Fisheries Supply of Azolla and fish seed
9 Department of Agril. Engineering Trainings, Demonstrations Yantra Doot Programme
10 National Watershed Mission For training in Agriculture and other allied subjects
11 National Medicinal plant Mission Conducting trainings Kisan Mela and Kisan Sangosthi
12 Akashwani Kendra For broadcasting technical Radio talk and Krishi Samayiki etc.
13 Co-operative Society of Area For purchase of fertilizer
14 District Information and Public Relation Officer For publishing  activities through News paper
15 Jila Panchayat To formulate packages for district, trainings, etc.
16 Department of Education Participation in Vigyan Mela & other activities
17 Mahila Bal Vikas Trainings
18 College of Agriculture,
JNKVV Jabalpur
Supply of spawn for mushroom, supply of Biofertilizers, Supply of Biopesticides etc.,  training,
19 NABARD For trainings formation of SHG’s
20 M.P.Seed Certification Office For seed certification, trainig
21 M.P.Agro Input supply
22 Farmers Training Center Trainings
23 Different NGO’s Trainings
24 Department of Forests Trainings, Supply of plants
25 Collectorate Distt. planning
26 Different ICAR institutes Technical Knowledge, Trainings etc.
27 TFRI, SFRI Technical Knowledge, Trainings etc.
28 Doordarshan Kendra